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  • inbruge91

"Bakla-nomicon" Inspired by Evil Dead II (1987)

Ya bitch had another whole Halloween again in November cause they felt like it! And nothing sounded better than the Ottoman Empire delight, Baklava! A dessert pastry made with layers of phyllo filled with spiced chopped nuts and soaked in a honey syrup. To keep the sequel spirit alive, I was inspired by my favorite "redux" horror installment: Evil Dead II. So grab you Kandarian dagger and enjoy a slice of this delicious dessert - guaranteed to be d̶e̶a̶d̶ gone by dawn!

↓↓↓ "Bakla-nomicon" recipe below ↓↓↓



9oz pistachios, coarsely chopped

9oz walnuts, coarsely chopped

1/4 cup of sugar

1-2 tablespoons of cinnamon

1 large pinch of ground cloves

1½-2 sticks of butter, melted

16oz of packaged phyllo dough, sheeted and thawed; eyes, nose mouth shapes cut (optional)

Necronomicon honey syrup (see below)


9" x 13" x 2" baking pan

Pastry brush

Chef's knife

Brown food coloring (optional)


Heat oven to 350°F

Thaw phyllo dough in refrigerator at least 12 -14 hours in advance, unroll sheets and keave in between 2 towels to protect from breakage

Mix course nuts in bowl with sugar, cinnamon and cloves

Brush baking pan with melted butter

Layer 1/3 of phyllo dough into baking pan, brush melted butter on top of EVERY sheet as you layer, fold sheets or trim to fit

Layer 1/2 of nut mixture

Layer second 1/3 of phyllo dough

Layer the other 1/2 of nut mixture

Layer last 1/3 of phyllo dough

Cut pastry into diamond shapes before baking, steady dough with fingers as you cut, go over twice to ensure cuts

Bake for 35-45 minutes until golden brown or check with toothpick, check regularly

When finished, remove from oven and cover in cooled Necronomicon honey syrup

Sit for 1 hour before serving



3/4 cup of sugar

1 cup of honey

1 tablespoon of orange extract or orange peel

5 whole cloves or 3/4 teaspoon of ground cloves

Lemon, splash of lemon juice



Brown food coloring (optional)


Heat sugar and water in saucepan until dissolved

Add honey, orange, cloves and bring to boil; add food coloring (optional)

Lower heat and simmer for 25 minutes

Remove from heat to cool until room temperature

Add lemon juice and remove orange peel/whole cloves (if used)

Pour onto finished baklava


Dye cut phyllo dough faces with brown food coloring, bake pieces until crispy and assemble onto finished baklava

Edit: brush faces with melted butter to crisp and sprinkle cinnamon and sugar after baking.

Recipe cards below!

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